Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sisterhood of Spanx

It is the season of Celebrations
All take planning, preparation and pulling it off-
So to speak...
Which comes to the very important decision I have to make
What to wear..

I pick my dress
I pick my shoes 
and then I, like you, have to decide
Spanx or no Spanx
Source: spanx.com via Sue on Pinterest

I know, if you are a guy  you have just tuned out
or scratching your head--but its real...

Even though they are a neccesary evil
and a topic that brings strangers together in fits of laughter

Like many of you, I take the "Plunge"

As I squirm,squeeze and sweat
I know I have a sisterhood out there
who have just wondered the same thing..

Do your Spanx hang low
Do they stop the wiggle to and fro
Do you strap them to your bra
or throw them over your shoulder
Can you stuff in the lumps and still jump
Do your Spanx hang low!!

To those men still reading..YOUR WELCOME

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